

Education Mission

The St. Petersburg SAR’s patriotic education mission is to reaffirm and instill in others faith in the principles of liberty and our constitutional republic while honoring our patriotic ancestors who gave us our freedom and constitutional form of government. On a national level, our society uses our library and archives, youth awards programs, educational outreach facility, and American Revolution exhibits to collectively establish a national patriotic institution of learning dedicated to assisting our membership, schools, teachers, and the general public in their efforts to sustain and preserve our history and constitutional principles.​

Lesson Plans

The National SAR has produced several lesson plans and other resources for educators to use in their classrooms. These lesson plans are proven methods to give students and the general public hands-on, engaging material to spark an interest in the American Revolutionary War era. Access the lesson plans directly from the National SAR using the button.

Educational Videos

Over the years the SAR has developed dozens of presentations educators can use right in their classroom to help teach about the Revolutionary War. These educational videos come in different formats including documentary style and event recordings.

Presentations are available for viewing on the National SAR website, simply visit

Educational Audio

The SAR produced a year-long audio series titled “Keyhole To History”. These 52 one-minute audio stories are a perfect daily addition to any classroom’s curriculum. Access all 52 audio stories and other audio materials from the National SAR website, simply visit

Student Contests

The SAR invites students of all ages and grades to get involved and discover their patriotism by participating in a SAR sponsored and operated contest.  The St Petersburg SAR Chapter student contest entries’ have won many awards over the past decades.  From written essays to verbal orations to poster competitions the SAR has a variety of contests designed for every age. Contests are judged on a chapter, state, and national level and award prizes at each level. Contact any of our Chapters’ leadership (see leadership page) to learn more about entering the contests!

A myriad of educational contests, opportunities for learning and associated information is available at SAR Outreach Education – National Society Sons of the American Revolution

2019 George S. & Stella M. Knight Essay Contest Winner, Will Hess and SAR Inductee Thomas McMullen, both Shorecrest Preparatory School students; Note Mr Ron Heller, Now Retired Shorecrest Preparatory School History Teacher was one of our prolific supporters of this contest and we wish him the best in retirement!!!


Youth Exchange

The SAR Youth Exchange Program is an opportunity for youths from France or the United States to visit the other country for a period of two to three weeks. The program involved the children and grandchildren of SAR members in France and the United States and was first implemented in 2008 and 2009 and has been a resounding success. The exchange includes young ladies and gentlemen between the ages of twelve and twenty years old. This program has proven to be a wonderful opportunity for young people from both countries to experience a different culture, develop new relationships, and share our mutual heritage of freedom. During the summer of 2010, the SAR had six youths participate in this program. The American youths were from Santa Ana, California; Concord, North Carolina; and Jacksonville, Florida. The three French youth participants from France were all from Paris, France.

To learn more about the youth exchange, how to get involved, and how to participate visit the National SAR website via the button below.


Education Coordinator

Douglas Maddox at