
Congratulations on your interest in becoming a member of the St. Petersburg Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution. The NSSAR is America’s premier male lineage society, and we welcome your interest in reaffirming the patriotic effort of your ancestors. Members of our Society trace their lineage directly to the Patriots and Founders of the United States. This is a source of both pride and inspiration for all our Compatriots. You will find our organization to be fascinating, and one that provides you with a wide variety of patriotic initiatives and interests which you can pursue at your own pace. You will find our Society to be collegial, and welcoming to new members.


The SAR is a “lineage” society. This means that each member has traced their family tree back to a point of having an ancestor who supported the cause of American Independence during the years 1774-1783. Any male 18+ years of age shall be eligible for membership in this Society who produce the above proof of ancestry.

This ancestor does not have to be an individual who fought in the revolutionary war directly. You can also be a descendant of someone simply contributed to the war effort in some fashion or another. If you are unsure if you have a patriot in your family tree we are here to help, assistance is just an email away, as we can help get you started on your journey and provide resources to expedite the process.

Getting Started

Please fill out the form below to begin the application process. Our chapter registrar, president, and new applicant relations manager will review your information and contact you within the next 2-3 business days to discuss the next steps towards becoming a member of the SAR.

Contact Information


Ancestry Information
