Our Activities


Our Activities

The Initiatives of the St. Petersburg SAR

As an active, growing chapter of the SAR we engage in a myriad of different activities and initiatives to promote patriotism and American freedom. Below we have outlined several of our favorite initiatives for you to learn about. If you become a member of our chapter we hope you will help us to continue to increase our outreach in the local community of St. Petersburg and neighboring areas.

Promoting Patriotism in Youth

We host youth programs because as a multi-generationally oriented society we believe in the importance of learning the past that we might teach it to our children in hopes of establishing an even brighter future for their children. Consequently, we take the commission of Deuteronomy 32:7 very seriously:

Remember the days of old, Consider the years of all generations. Ask your father, and he will inform you, Your elders, and they will tell you.”  Deuteronomy 32:7

This means that we are to be about the business of teaching our children the stories of the past, the history of their ancestors, the exploits of tyrants, the virtues of wise leaders,  and the principles upon which our nation was founded.

With this in mind, the SAR established several contests and awards with the intention of teaching the youth of our nation about their heritage. This mindset should signify to all compatriots the importance of developing and expanding our Youth programs.

Volunteering with Honor Flight

The Honor Flight Network is a nationwide organization dedicated to honoring veterans by escorting them to their memorial in Washington D.C. to remember their fallen comrades and receive the emotional closure they are due. Our chapter works with the local branch of Honor Flights and encourages all our members to volunteer and help whenever they are able. Learn more about Honor Flights at http://honorflightwcf.org/.

Reenacting History in the Color Guard

The Color Guard, for those who are unfamiliar, is an organization of men from local SAR chapters, who reenact the men of old, by wearing period attire, teaching history, and showing our community the importance of our nation’s founding.

The Color Guard provides SAR members with multiple opportunities and challenges to do something meaningful and fun, while being a great way to form lasting friendships with other compatriots. The Color Guard is an excellent way to become an active participant in fulfilling the over-arching mission of our great organization. After all, where else but the Color Guard would you ever be given the opportunity to march in parades, participate in “Honor-Flight” homecoming welcomes for WWII veterans in true colonial fashion, post colors and congratulate new Americans at Citizenship ceremonies, honor individuals and businesses with Flag-Certificates, or teach our great American heritage to classrooms full of eager students?

Why is the Color Guard important you may ask? Let us consider the words of Ezra:

Remember His wonderful deeds which He has done, His marvels and the judgments from His mouth.”
1 Chronicles 16:12

We are wise to remember the acts of God’s providential hand in our nation’s history, from the battles we have won to the leaders of the past that He raised up.

The Color Guard is our opportunity to remember God’s providence, as well as, the thousands of men and women who gave their lives that we might be free. This is our battle cry and this is why we proudly represent in the Color Guard.

Establishing Historical Landmarks

As a society, we are about the business of identifying and establishing landmarks that have significant historical significance to the cause of American freedom and our country’s rich history. King Solomon mentions the importance of landmarks in Proverbs:

Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set.” Proverbs 22:28

If we remove and do not establish landmarks the generations who come after us will not remember the providences of the past that allow us to enjoy the freedoms we have today. Thus, as a society, we work to keep and establish landmarks for future generations. Know of a landmark you believe should be remembered? Contact us today!

Recognizing Local Heroes

The SAR believes in the importance of recognizing local heroes in the community for outstanding service and heroism. As a society, we wish to engage with our communities and awards such as these allow us to interact directly with those we wish to encourage in the cause of American freedom.

Operation Ancestor Search

Operation Ancestor Search is a free genealogy program offered to injured service members in military hospitals. Veterans hospitals and armed forces retirement homes across the country. A program of the National SAR, supported by Ancestry.com, it is operated by local affiliate chapters and our program partners. Operation Ancestor Search helps veterans, their families, and their caregivers discover their roots and better understand themselves through family history. Learn more at http://www.operationancestorsearch.org/.

Supporting Wreaths Across America

On National Wreaths Across America Day each December, volunteers place wreaths on individual veterans’ graves in over 1,200 locations throughout the U.S., with ceremonies at sea, and at each of the national cemeteries on foreign soil to honor and thank all of the fallen soldiers who risked their lives that we may have the freedoms we enjoy.

While the SAR is about promoting the remembrance of Revolutionary War Patriots, we understand that it is only through the sacrifice of each successive generation of veterans and patriots that we continue to enjoy our freedom. This is why we as a chapter support Wreaths Across America every year.

You can sponsor a wreath at a cemetery near you, or even volunteer with or donate to a local fundraising group. Visit http://wreathsacrossamerica.org/ to learn more!

Collaborating with DAR

The SAR collaborates with the Daughters of the American Revolution on a national and local level. Our societies’ mutual goal of promoting patriotism allows us to combine the energy and manpower of our two great organizations and create an even greater impact on our nation as a whole.

Growing the C.A.R.

The Florida Society is a strong supporter of C.A.R. Societies and provides reimbursement support to those chapters that financially contribute to supporting a local C.A.R. Society. The St. Petersburg Chapter is one of the few Chapters to actively support two C.A.R. Societies, The James McMullen Society, and the Clear Water Harbor Society, financially, and through leadership service. Both Societies are successful having earned streamers, and the Clearwater Society has earned special distinction.

The National Society urges every SAR chapter and state-level society to have a C.A.R. Chairman or Liaison Officer who focuses support and encouragement on this very worthwhile youth organization. It is encouraged to award the SAR, DAR, and C.A.R. members who give their time and effort toward supporting the C.A.R. This recognition can be given through the SAR or C.A.R. Medals of Appreciation or other appropriate medals for support and service to the C.A.R.

Recognizing the Importance of the Junior ROTC Programs

The Tampa Bay area has a myriad of local High Schools that now have very active Junior Reserve Officer Training programs (JROTC).  We strive to show our support of the young leaders through recognition and awards.  We further Strive to “Thank” all staff of the JROTC programs that mold these future young leaders!

Understanding Our Purpose

While these are some of the ways we promote patriotism there is one commonality that links all of us, American citizens, together: the desire to fight hard and hold fast to our freedom! We are not fighting with swords and guns, as our patriots once did, we are fighting with pens and words. We must spread the true message of our nation’s founding far and wide less we forget our place in history and suffer the fate of many nations who forsook their roots. It is with this commonality in mind that we as a national society are purposed to support the cause, a purpose with roots in George Washington’s administration.

Our Purpose